An incredible human being.
My first introduction to Genevieve was through her book, Mr. King's Things. I did not know the woman at that moment but I was captivated by the books cover. Its pure white background juxtaposed with a sketchy black charcoal line and mediated by a gentle yellow wash of watercolour fill. I instantly wanted to dive into the book and see more. Doing so did not disappoint. Each page had more of the same appeal but then I met MR. King. His character so different. A slightly selfish little lion whose action resulted in an unexpected outcome. Mr. King meant well but was a little short sighted. However, in the end he realized his mistake and found a uniquely creative way to fix his mistake.
The story was so full yet so simple.
I turned to the back flap to see who had created such a wonderful story and who was responsible for the lovely illustrations.
And that was my first introduction to Genevieve Cote.
The first time we met in person was when I pitched the idea of the show/series to her. We sat in one of the board rooms, she was instantly recognizable. We had several questions for her regarding the origin of Mr. King and some thoughts she had for him and his world. I then launched into my pitch, which couldn't have gone better. I believe she thought she was witnessing a magic trick as everything she had described about Mr. King was in the pitch. The main strategy being to maintain the "Look". I know she was prepared to sacrifice the "Look" in favour of production. I smiled and grew increasingly excited/relieved having one more trick up my sleeve. The animated promo. We brought her to one of the editing suites which had it ready and waiting. A minute long the promo brought her creations to life right before her eyes. The sketchy lines. The watercolour texture fill. But the part that sealed the deal I believe, was the spirit and message presented. She turned to me and said something in french, the only phrase I recognized was "Mon Dieu". But she was very happy which obviously made me very happy. Whether she understood the significance of it or not I told her I was hopeful that we would have a similar relationship as Charles Shultz and Bill Melendez had. (Charlie Brown Christmas, etc.)
We have met many times since then and though we live very far apart, Montreal/Toronto, we seem to pick up exactly where we left off from her previous visits. Mutual admiration and, I believe, inspiration.

Nissae Isen AKA Mr. King and
Genevieve Cote