7 minutes.
7 minutes to tell a story.
Beginning, middle, end.
7 Minutes can be more than enough time to tell a story, if properly paced.
As with everything 'Mr. King' related, less is best would be the best approach.
The Remarkable Mr. King was created to match Genevieve's (writer/illustrator) books which had carefully told stories with beautifully, deceptively simple, illustrations. She only painted what needed to be painted, but in a unique way.
She only wrote what needed to be written, but in a storybook way.
Scripts for Mr. King are no exception to these rules. And some times, most of the times, our writers get caught up in the excitement of our characters. They write fun actions, great interactive dialogue, exciting actions. And it's both Andrew(script editor) and my responsibility to ensure we remove most of it. We skim through every line, every note, ensuring that when we're done we're left with only what's necessary to tell the story in unique way.
This is why I created the writers style guide. Obviously they all know how to write, but sometimes being literal to a three act structure, helps one focus.
A typical Mr. King story follows...
Act 1: Mr. King likes/dislikes something. He is presented with the opportunity to act on this and has his "Big Think", which is the formation of his plan on how he thinks he should pursue his like, or deal with his dislike. This "Big Think" leads us into Act 2.
Act 2: I usually like three events to happen through Act 2. Three things that gradually grow to show our audience that this was perhaps, not the best course of action for Mr. King to take. It always results in an "Uh oh!" moment where Mr. King realizes must acknowledge his mistake and have a Thoughtful think in order to fix his error in judgement. This leads us into Act 3.
Act 3: Essentially this act is where Mr. King fixes the problems he may have caused from his Big think and shows the correct, more appropriate way of dealing with his original desire. Act 3 always ends with a special moment between our narrator and Mr.King sharing a poignant moment together, summarizing the learn in a well thought out sentence or two. Something remarkable.
7 minutes may not seem like a lot of time to incorporate all of this info. But if you think of it like 2 minutes 20 seconds per act, if written carefully, should be more than enough time to tell an entertaining Mr. King story.
And we mustn't forget about the music...
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