Last week we held our very first Mr. King Writer's Summit.
For those unfamiliar with this term it is the process of sitting in a room with those who will be writing on the show to discuss ideas and Premises for potential series episodes.
Andrew Sabiston, our head writer/script editor, helped pull together an amazing group of writers all of which brought great energy and enthusiasm to the room. Our original goal was to come away from the two day summit with roughly 12 script ideas. I'm happy to report that we blew that away with a whopping 21. (So over half of the series.)
My feeling is that having the luxury of working with Andrew during the development period in flushing out the writing style for our three pilot scripts certainly helped us out.
Also, the previously mentioned Writer's Style Guide played an important roll in helping the group maintaining focus and staying on target.
We also had the pleasure of having both Genevieve Cote, the books Writer/Illustrator, in the room to help provide feedback as well as a few extra script ideas, and Stacie Goldin, our educational consultant. Stacie was valuable in providing a window into the mindset of children aged 2-5. Valuable information and guidance from topics of familiarity to language and length of sentences which our audience may or may not comprehend.
My personal goal going into the summit was to come out with scripts telling stories with familiar topics in a way which is uniquely Mr. King. So far so good!
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